Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Unwanted Hair

Sick to death of the mustache shadow under your ladylike nose? Want your legs to feel silky smooth for that special someone? You have plenty of options when it comes to hair removal. Follow these steps to get rid of unsightly hair.
Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need
Bleach/lightening Treatments
Body Wax
Eyebrow Tweezers
Facial Wax
Ladies' Electric Razors
Men's Razors
Post Shave Moisturizers
Shaving Creams
Women's Razors
Suggest Edits
Consider bleaching. Although this does not get rid of unwanted hair, it does lighten hair to a soft blond hue, rendering mustaches almost invisible. Some women also bleach the hair on their arms.
Try depilatories'cream-based products you apply on top of unwanted hair. Depilatories, popular for the bikini area, come with specific instructions for how long to leave the cream on. When you rinse away the depilatory, the unwanted hair should wash away with the cream. However, results vary widely.
Use that old standby'shaving. It's fast and easy, but the hair grows back quickly. Women should never shave a mustache, as it will grow back stubbly and not soft.
Consider plucking, which is effective for small patches of hair. Keep in mind that repeated tweezing of the same hairs over the years can damage the hair roots enough to result in permanent hair removal, so be careful when tweezing eyebrows'if styles change, you may not get your old brows back.
Evaluate waxing'especially popular for eyebrows and the bikini area. A mixture of hot oil, rosin and paraffin is spread over unwanted hair. Once the wax cools, it's ripped off, along with the unwanted hairs. Though this method can be uncomfortable, the advantage is that the hair doesn't return for several weeks.
Investigate sugaring, a technique devised by the ancient Egyptians that uses all-natural ingredients. A paste of sugar and water is applied over unwanted hair. When the sugar mix dries, it's yanked off, along with the hair. As with waxing, the advantage is that the hair doesn't return for several weeks; the discomfort is similar to that of pulling off a bandage with hair underneath.
Look into electrolysis, which involves removal of each hair with an electric current and a fine needle. You must continue electrolysis for several months or even years to remove all unwanted hair, and the process can be quite painful.
Investigate laser removal of unwanted hair. The light emitted from the laser vaporizes the pigment located in the hair follicles, destroying or disabling several hair follicles at a time. However, it may not result in permanent hair removalRead more: How to Get Rid of Unwanted Hair eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_13715_rid-unwanted-hair.html#ixzz1cVUG7Ovx